An Epistle from St. Richard(s)

Good golly, Miss Molly, last Thursday’s high school information night at St. Richard’s Episcopal was a time!

About fifteen schools had representatives in attendance, and the gymnasium was full of energy as the crowd moved from table to table, discussing programs, picking up application packets, and collecting swag. Afterwards, the breakout sessions I attended were filled with interested families listening to the presentations of administrators, teachers, and students. It was one-stop shopping of the first order. For those of you unable to attend or looking for a virtual clearinghouse of sorts, here is our Orchard page with area HS links. Here is another with helpful documents.

Two things struck me at the event. First, was the number of Orchard grads whom admissions officers had asked to function as spokespeople. Obviously the administrators in charge knew that many current Orchard kids would be in attendance and that speaking to someone who went to the same school would create an instant connection. But what was truly impressive was the effectiveness of these graduates as ambassadors for their respective high schools.

Time and again, I was introduced to confident, eloquent, accomplished teenagers standing behind tables draped with banners and covered in glossy viewbooks. “This is Ceres, Goddess of Agriculture and Grains (not her real name). She went to Orchard,” someone would say. What would follow was another enlightening conversation with a very impressive young adult about the merits of the institution she (or he) was currently attending.

The second wonderful thing was the number of high school administrators who told me both how much they covet Orchard graduates and, yes, how well prepared our kids are for ninth grade. It was clear that many of the city’s high school admissions committees consider Orchard students a hot commodity.

Hearing that was the best news of the evening, handily beating out word of the complimentary squeezy balls and full-size candy bars. Though I’ve got to admit, the free novelty sunglasses finished a close second. After all, who doesn’t love a cool pair of cheap shades?!

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